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Influencer “Chillrogg” Makes Waves: $10,000 Tech Giveaway

In today's content creation marketplace, where digital influencers hold considerable sway over

William Patel William Patel

DIY Healthcare: New Innovations Let You Take Charge of Your Health, Without a Doctor’s Appointment

Modern healthcare has grown in leaps and bounds over the past decade,

Editorial Editorial

12 Essential Gadgets You Can’t Live Without

What's the latest gadget you can't live without for your life or

Young Entrepreneur Council Young Entrepreneur Council

11 New Tech Gadgets to Watch

The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only orgacirnization comprised of the world’s

Young Entrepreneur Council Young Entrepreneur Council

Smart Hustle Recap: SXSW 2016 Coverage, Mark Cuban Quotes, and More

South by Southwest (SXSW) is an annual set of conferences and festivals

Jennifer Peaslee Jennifer Peaslee