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Macauley Keevins

21 Articles

An Entrepreneur’s Elevator Pitch: Four Awesome Examples

An elevator pitch serves as a poignant and succinct sales bite that

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What Is GTE Technology, and Why Are Billionaires Investing in It?

Let’s get to it. GTE Technology is “Global Token Exchange” Technology. This

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How to Grow your Small Business on Instagram with Marketing

The modern world of commerce and business is one that is built

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Top Tech Companies of 2023

Today’s word: technology. Scrap that, this “ages” word: still technology. I’m not

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Small Business Guide to Business Attire

The suit is considered the ideal business attire. Originally fashioned after a

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How to Measure the Productivity of Your Employees

With automation on the rise, employers must begin to think about the

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Five Reasons Your First, Entry Level Job Should Be in Sales

For the recent graduate just coming out of college, one of the

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How to Identify Bots on LinkedIn: Fake Sales Representatives

LinkedIn is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world

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How to Define Smart KPIs Examples and Milestones: What the Experts Say

All businesses have metrics. Any objective that needs to be met will

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Best Platforms to Sell Products for Your eCommerce Startup

In today's internet-indoctrinated market, things move with vigor unprecedentedly. Similarly, subsets of

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