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Facebook Workplace: Now Collaborate With Your CoWorkers Using Facebook

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fbworkplaceProfessional collaboration tools are the rage. Smart companies know that the only way to stay competitive is to ensure fast, easy and clear communication can occur between employees. This collaboration occurs between entire companies and definitely between workgroups.

Slack has the BRAIN SHARE of collaboration amongst so many. Other tools include Jive and of course Google Apps and Microsoft’s Office 365.

You can get the full details about Facebook Workplace here.

Facebook Workplace appears to be quite robust. Integrating Live Video, Chat, Search and an overall News Feed – it’s a way for teams to keep in touch and updated.

I like that Facebook offers it free for 3 months – plenty of time for every company to try out.

At only $3 a month per user – it’s pretty darn cheap.


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Ramon Ray, founder and editor Smart Hustle Magazine. Entrepreneur, best selling author and global keynote speaker.