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Top 5 Financial Podcasts for Small Biz Owners

5 Min Read

There are so many podcasts out there created by small business owners that discuss the many ups and downs of getting a business started. These podcasts can serve as a mini support system when you’re getting started as an entrepreneur. Your only issue may be choosing just one. Don’t worry, we have put together a list of our top 5 financial podcasts for small business owners.

  1.   StartUpTrue to its name, Startup is a podcast centered on getting started in the small business world. Covering a wide array of topics related to small business ventures, this podcast really steps out of the box and addresses so many things in the process. Even if not every episode is something you can relate to, odds are that someone out there, probably many someones, are in the exact situation that is being described and could learn so much from this eclectic group. That’s what the podcast is all about – helping people from all walks of life address the various issues that could come up during the course of getting a business up and running.  

Episode to try – Running a Family and a Business

  1.   Entrepreneurs on Fire John Lee Dumas, self-dubbed ‘JLD’, aims to get young people fired up to get their businesses started and to make them happy in their success. JLD works to inspire others to make their life follow their dreams. In the interviews for his podcast, JLD and his guests cover the main objective of going all in with your ideas. The common denominator among successful startups, to JLD, is going 100% into the new idea with every intention of being successful. JLD will explain how to work hard for what you get but to work smarter in the process as well.
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Episode to try – Be Your Own CFO: Take Control of Your Personal Finances

  1.   Office Hours with Spencer Rascoff – As a podcast that works like a roundtable discussion amongst several successful business leaders, Office Hours, seeks to address some of the toughest questions new businessmen and women will face early on when starting their business. Spencer sits down with some of the biggest leaders in the business industry to discuss what it takes to get to the levels of success they have. Through their own experiences, these CEOS and business owners provide crucial insight into the workings of a business and of being a great leader.  

Episode to try – Adena Friedman, President and CEO of Nasdaq

  1.   This is Your Life With the disclaimer that this podcast no longer has new episodes, we still love this one! They also have started up a new podcast which spins off of this called Lead to Win which dives into how to succeed in your new business along with some other great life advice! This is Your Life focuses on daily trials and tribulations associated with balancing getting a business off the ground along with your family and home life. Little did we realize that the day in and day out of your home life can greatly impact your financial standing with your business. Michael Hyatt and his podcast work to help you navigate this path and come out on top.

Episode to try – Banish the Guilt About Making Money

  1.   Mixergy This podcast was created by a group of individuals from all sorts of backgrounds to collectively help new entrepreneurs in and through any situation.  These people come from all walks of life, have various experiences in business, and collectively are able to provide insider knowledge about how to overcome various struggles and hardships along the way. These individuals are able to explore the depths of what is going on with a business to help you address what you need to work on for your own business. This group strives to get you to think like a successful business owner and to take charge of your dream by taking action first.
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Episode to try – How to start a business during the most stressful period of your life (Writer’s Note: Because we ALL decide to do this, am I right?!)  

Can’t get enough of podcasts? Don’t miss this…

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Cara Chatellier is a digital marketing strategist & content writer. She works closely with small businesses, and runs one herself, giving her a unique insight into their inner workings. She loves travel, wine tastings, and podcasts.