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March 30, 2010

Brought to you by: and Campaigner bring you another practical, information rich and exciting webinar, helping you use email marketing as a tool to GROW YOUR BUSINESS.

Melanie Attia, Product Marketing Manager co-hosts with Ramon Ray, Editor & Technology Evangelist,

Special guest Elaine Bolle, Chief Marketing Officer for Clinical Research Site Training (CRST) presented how her company was able to leverage email marketing to move away from direct mail: saving money and increasing customer loyalty.

(Left – Elaine, Right – Melanie)

With a proven ROI of $43 for every dollar invested (DMA, 2009), email marketing is one of the most cost effective ways for businesses to stay in touch with customers and build long-lasting and profitable relationships.

This is great news for small and growing businesses, who need to get their messages directly to targeted audiences.

Don’t miss this real life example of how a small business slashed their marketing costs and skyrocketed their results – join us and learn how your company can too!

As a user of Campaigner, Elaine showcased how email marketing has enabled her company to build stronger relationships with its customers, leading to dramatic business improvement and growth. Prior to using email marketing, her costs averaged about $1 per direct mail piece. Since switching to email marketing for 100% of its marketing, CRST’s costs dropped to pennies a piece. CRST significantly improved its marketing effectiveness–reaching the right customers with the right message at the right time–and its efficiency–achieving targeted positive results at a lower cost, profitability.

View a recording of the webinar:

Download the slides here.

For more email marketing insight from this webinar discussion, see Ramon’s article Seven Lessons in Email Marketing.