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featuring Wendy Lowe, Director of Product Marketing, Campaigner

Many business have some form of an email newsletter. Just about ALL of them are NOT leveraging email as the powerful tool that it is. What about you?

Have you found the results from your email marketing campaigns have hit a plateau?

Have response rates waned, sales declined or there is a general lack of engagement from your audience?

Wendy Lowe, Director of Product Marketing at Campaigner, will help you put your email marketing practices under a microscope to see if there are areas that can be

Often times it’s about getting re-acquainted with the email marketing basics we’ve taken for granted over time.

In this webinar we discussed taking a step back from your email marketing campaigns to look again at the basics: subject lines, from name, email design, copy and more.

Wendy took us through the key steps to refreshing your email campaigns:

  • Track campaign metrics
  • Focus on basic best practices
  • Test and test some more

She explored each step in detail with tons of tips and real examples. This webinar was an information packed hour that you won’t want to miss!

To view a recording of the webinar, click below.

Download the presentation slides here.

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Wendy’s previous webinar Turning Engaged Prospects into Profitable Customers Rocked!