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8 Factors Affecting Workplace Productivity

8 Min Read

Generally speaking, achieving a more efficient rate of quality output means more profit for a company. It’s no surprise, then, that improving workplace productivity is the proverbial objective of managers and business owners worldwide. 

But with so many moving parts in play for the typical enterprise, cracking the code of better productivity can be difficult to achieve. There is always need of time to time inspection in the business. Risk Assessment Software guide in a better manner what kind of maintenance, inspection need to your business.

It’s important for business leaders to zero-in on the most important factors affecting workplace productivity:


The utilization of technology has been a fundamental ingredient for improving productivity for thousands of years. Today’s organizations continue this tradition by making the most of digital technology. Using modern tech to be more productive can be applied to several areas of most business operations. For example, an AI-powered business phone system capable of supporting voice, video, and messages across all mobile devices improve productivity by streamlining business communications. Using business apps for task management helps with staying organized. There’s really no end to the ways in which technology aids in efforts to boost workplace productivity.


There are several ways the location(s) of a business has a direct impact on productivity. For instance, an organization’s ability to hire and hold onto qualified employees depends a lot on the talent pool available in that part of the world. This has an impact on training and turnover, which affects the productive capacity of a company.  A business location also plays a role in the daily commute times of your employees, while the local climate creates potential disruptions for operative capacity. Whether these and other location-related factors influence productivity day-to-day or once or twice a year, they matter enough for business leaders to take location seriously.

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Tracking down mislabeled, misplaced or misfiled business information takes a big bite out of a company’s ability to sustain or improve their productivity. It’s estimated workers spend an average of 2.5 hours per day trying to find the things they need to complete their tasks. The importance of keeping business information organized cannot be overstated. Software designed to provide companies and their employees with an optimized system of organization is an essential asset for any business with aspirations for boosting their productive capacity.


We often hear about how we’re in the age of automation. There’s no denying the increasing role of, and reliance on, automated systems to do tasks that were previously done by people, but human resources are still the heart of virtually every type of business. While technology takes the productive capacity of organizations to new heights, people are still required to utilize tech and put the finishing touches on the final product. With this in mind, the qualifications and integrity of a workforce will influence productivity for a business.


The way a company is managed is probably the most significant factor affecting workplace productivity, second only to technology. Organizations dependent on personnel need strong and influential leadership. From the CEO to the shift manager, leaders in the workplace are tasked with making the most of teamwork and resources. What’s more, effective managers have to be capable problem solvers to stay on top of small but significant impacts on day-to-day levels of productivity. You can also opt for the different software for management of risk. Fоr Quality Management аnd Compliance, thіѕ іѕ a common trend, but whаt аbоut Environmental Health аnd Safety Management? Risk іѕ equally аѕ important іn EHS processes, аnd саn help drive better compliance tо initiatives іn tracking аnd improving safety wіthіn thе organization.

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Aѕ safety professionals know, EHS software mоѕt commonly hаvе a wау оf tracking adverse safety events – “Incidents”. Incidents саn tаkе mаnу forms, whеthеr Injuries оr Illnesses; Fires оr Explosions; Chemical spills оr Hazardous Materials; thе list goes оn. Aѕ раrt оf compliance, іt іѕ important tо record incident data thoroughly аnd collect аѕ muсh information аѕ possible. Thіѕ іѕ partly good business apractices, but аlѕо іѕ a requirement оf mаnу regulatory reporting initiatives, ѕuсh аѕ thоѕе mandated bу OSHA. Risk саn bе a critical factor іn furthеr identifying incident data. Using Risk Assessment, safety managers саn filter incident data bу risk factors ѕuсh аѕ severity оr frequency. Risk matrices саn help tо make better decisions оn hоw tо handle incidents. Mоrе critical incidents rise tо thе tор оf thе list, аnd hаvе mоrе importance thаn lеѕѕ critical events. Thіѕ enables thе safety team tо address thе mоrе important issues wіthіn thеіr Incident Management program.

A business where productive capacity is not taken seriously is unlikely to survive very long. With that said, the hunt for more productivity can easily turn into a wild goose chase if business leaders don’t know where to focus their attention. It’s important to zero in on the primary factors involved and find effective methods of addressing them.


Liquid capital is the lifeblood of every business. Without the ability to pay bills, cover expenses, and provide payroll, the entire operation eventually grinds to a halt. Lack of funds to quickly address production disruptions leads to untold amounts of lost revenue. This cripples a company to the point where getting back to prior levels of productivity isn’t enough to recover the losses. Simply put, companies need continuous cash flow to avoid the devastating consequences of being unable to afford the costs of doing business.

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The relationship between productivity and production is pretty straightforward. The way a company utilizes its means of production will determine how much quality output they’re able to generate. This boils down to developing a smart operational design. Business leaders need to perform a systems analysis of the organization in order to gain insight into the strengths and weaknesses of their production process to effectively zero in on the ways the company can be more productive.


The influence of government on business productivity occurs in a number of ways. The most apparent examples of the government’s impact on productive capacity involve regulatory controls. While many business leaders resent the depth to which government regulations seem to permeate the way they can run their companies, many of these interventions are not without good reason. Business regulations are often the result of safety precautions and guard railing the extent to which companies can negatively affect the communities around them.

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