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Whiteboard Animation Videos. Help Your Business Create Its Brand Image

7 Min Read

In recent years, video marketing has burgeoned in popularity and it has exploded, unlike any other digital marketing trend. Gradually, over time, it became one of the main aspects of any online marketing strategy. Numerous marketers have kept jumping on to the video marketing bandwagon and many among them are still not sure about the steps that they should take to become successful. This is because customers are 4times more likely to watch videos on a product than read what is written on it.

Majority of the digital marketers (54%) claim video marketing as the most appropriate form of ROI. 65% of the customers are more likely to purchase a product after they’ve watched the video on the pros and cons of the product. So, video marketing should never be the least prioritized item lying at the bottom of your list but it should be the integral and key part of the marketing and communication strategy.

help create your brand image through white board animation videos

Explainer videos – Be creative about your marketing efforts

It is worthy being unique and creative about your online marketing efforts. Animated videos and whiteboard animation add curiosity to the video. Here are few things to know on how a whiteboard animation can electrify your brand and improve your business.

Worthy reasons behind the soaring demand for videos

  • Art that is drawn by hand is always convincing and scientific
  • Easy to operate and doesn’t involve any high costs
  • Writing in an animated manner and erasing on a whiteboard has always been entertaining
  • Can be updated and edited easily
  • Short-cut process of content marketing
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Amalgamating e-commerce with art

If you take into account the creation of videos for engaging customers, they are an impressive way of capturing the imagination of people, regardless of the kind of business you have. This is one of the ways in which you can impress people on both logical and emotional levels. The animated videos are the kind of artwork which is the work of creative minds. The most powerful feature of these videos is that they are an easy way of informing the targeted audience on the brand.

There are different ways in which explainer videos can be related to purchases and sign-ups. However, the video can focus on the perspective of information. In fact, nowadays, there are many who enjoy knowing about products from videos rather than from reading.

Whiteboard animation videos – How they can increase conversions into buyers

It is a style of video where the viewer sees static images which are drawn by a person on the screen. The script is written in a third-person narration or is written in a case example which has to be extremely engaging and intriguing. Here are few ways in which whiteboard animation videos can be the best for your business. Read on to know how it can boost your conversions.

  • They’re an innovative way of advertising

Whiteboard animation videos are one of the most innovative and exciting ways in which you can promote your products and services. If you set them against all the other forms of promotion, you will find them to be the most economical among them. They can cater to creating a specific message with no tone of extra fluffy things and this is why they fall under the category of explainer videos.

  • They are placed anywhere, at any platform
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Whiteboard animation videos are extremely flexible and versatile and hence they can be placed anywhere. While you can place them directly on the homepage of your website, you can also share them on social media or bind them to a specific landing page. You can specifically relate the page to any other page.

  • Making them is fun!

When done in a proper manner, whiteboard animation videos can be extremely effective and impactful, provided they have a powerful script. The viewer can feel immensely entertained by watching such an explainer video. When you’re able to create a video that’s informative and fun at the same time, this boosts the credibility of your company. More clients become interested in working with you.

  • They make it easy for customers to understand a product

When you create a whiteboard animation video creatively, they make it easier for the customers as well as the fans to understand your services or products. You can add them to social networking sites so that they can be shared by many others. This way you can spread the word about your product or service and also build the following.

  • They are kept as memorable

Once you create an animation video, you will see that majority of the customers will tend to remember your video. Do you need to advertise your business? This company specializes on Graphic Recording to attract more customers. This way, they also remember the service or product. It is only when they remember you that they can tell others about you.

  • They have a definite CTA
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This is perhaps the most vital reason behind why the whiteboard videos covert more viewers into buyers. They have a definite CTA power. The viewer will exactly know what they require doing, whether they require visiting a site or calling a number or buying a product. They will be sure about completing the task.

Hence, as we see, all the reasons listed above play a vital role in converting more viewers into customers. These videos have a record of providing you with the greatest conversions when all are used in a specific form. They’re economical too.

Published in partnership with Spiel Creative

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Becca Williams is a writer, editor, and small business owner. She writes a column for and many more major media outlets.